Jeremy J. Quinn


Member of Rise Industries

Jeremy is a multidisciplinary artist and designer working in architecture, installation, video, sound, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and environmental graphics.

He has over ten years experience as an architectural designer, job captain and project manager, and has worked on projects ranging from large mixed use developments, to new public schools and small, finely detailed residential renovations. He received a Master of Architecture degree from the Southern California Institute of Architecture, and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Hartford, where he studied architecture and sculpture. He has worked with the Los Angeles offices of Osborn and PMA | Pablo Maida Architect, and is currently a Senior Designer at 5+Design in Hollywood.

He provides architectural, graphic design and sound design services, produces fine art in many media, and is an award winning architectural designer.

Watch an old video about what he does in the studio.

You can also find him at:

He practices Yang style Tai Chi.

You can contact him at jeremy [at] jeremyjquinn [dot] net

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